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En blogg från c.nu

Aims To Empower Business

17 november, 2020 - 5:52 Inga kommentarer

The AI Business School module on the implications of responsible AI showcases Microsoft’s own work in this area. “So, the better job you do at keeping the team glued together with where you are going, the better the adoption will be and the faster it will be. After all, companies that successfully embrace AI need to openly share data across departments and business functions, explained Azizirad, and make sure all employees can participate in the development and implementation of data-driven AI applications. Among high-growth companies, the research found, the more leaders know about AI, the more they recognize that they need to make sure the AI is deployed responsibly.“Over time, as companies become operationally dependent on these machine learning algorithms and models that they built, there’s going to be much [...]